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Meet Joyce Burgess, Certified Emotion Code & Body Code Practitioner

Learn what the Body Code and the Emotion Code can do for you to regain Balance in your life.

About Joyce

I am an educator, wife, mother and grandmother. For the past forty plus years I have sought out and explored many natural healing modalities. That search has led me to the most elegant, simple, non-invasive, and complete process of returning BALANCE back to all of our bodies . . .


As a former educator, I am always looking for ways to help people be the best that they can be. I am delighted to have The Body Code along with The Emotion Code to offer my clients. Both are an efficient method to uncover imbalances in the body–imbalances causing stress, pain, and blocks to goals you want to achieve.

I look forward to meeting you.
Many blessings,

About the Balance and Heal Process

Just about everyone has some amount of emotional baggage from painful life events. Although invisible, emotional baggage is very real and can disrupt your life.

I liken it to having a backpack that has slowly, over time, accumulated a variety of pebbles, stones and rocks.  Each stone represents a trapped frequency stuck in your body or consciousness.

Every emotion has its own unique energetic frequency. 

As these negative frequencies accumulate over time, they can become overwhelming to the physical body as well as emotionally and mentally stressful. 

Eventually, the load gets too heavy to ignore. These Trapped emotions are negative, destructive frequencies  that can affect the body with pain or chronic disease, as well as contribute to emotional problems.

By working with a certified EMOTION / BODY CODE Practitioner, you can have these interfering frequencies removed.


The goal is to rid yourself of  negative frequencies that  are interfering with your body’s natural ability to heal.

So how does this process work?

Your subconscious mind knows exactly what is needed for you to heal on all levels.

After receiving your permission, I will connect with your subconscious.Then, by using kinesiology and intention, I allow your subconscious to guide me to uncover which trapped frequencies are currently interfering with your health and well being. As each specific frequency is identified it will be gently released from you. You may or may not feel anything during this process. People who are very sensitive to energies sometimes tell me they can feel some energy moving in their body.

This is a very easy, non-intrusive, eloquent process that does not require any talk therapy or discussion of what you are ridding yourself of. Sometimes you may recall an incident or person you have not thought of for a very long time. Most likely that specific frequency is rising to be released. You may or may not choose to share what you are recalling.

Your part is to stay awake, present, and have a strong desire to heal.


To summarize:

The EMOTION CODE & BODY CODE  will identify and release frequencies which are interfering with your body’s natural processes.

This allows your body to return to a balanced state of being. When interferences are eliminated, your body’s natural ability to HEAL is activated.




All sessions are over the phone and last between 45 and 60 minutes, depending on how much your body is able to release in a session.

Your investment is $77 per session. Once your session is scheduled, I will send you an invoice from either Paypal or Zelle – your choice.  If neither of these work for you we can make other arrangements.

If you are financially challenged at this time, do not let that stop you from experiencing this beautiful process. Contact me and we will discuss other options.


Below are two links to  videos by Dr. Nelson, the developer of both the EMOTION CODE  and THE BODY CODE.  Please watch at least the shorter one before contacting me.

After watching the video, if you would like to schedule a session or just get more information, send me an email with your phone number and suggest a good time for me to call you. I will call to answer any questions you may have and schedule a time for a session if that is what you desire.

DON’T FORGET YOUR ANIMALS – this process works beautifully with them too.

Many blessings and thank you for visiting my website.


Please contact me via email for questions or to schedule an introductory call.
I will reply to make arrangements, then call you.


Additional Information on the Process

Here is a short YouTube Video (3 minutes) of Dr. Brad giving a summary of what this is all about.


Here is an interview with Dr. Nelson giving more details about the Body Code